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LCR-Reader R2 offers users a fully automatic LCR and ESR meter with a 0.1% basic accuracy at up to 250 kHz test frequency. The R2 uses a different and more powerful MCU than the MPA model, allowing to process measurements at higher frequencies. R2 also has increased stability over other models with the ability to switch the test signal source resistance from 100 Ohms to 1.4 kOhms. The higher source resistance reduces noise when measuring small resistances. The R2 also boasts the ability for Analog Signature Analysis. ASA is a troubleshooting technique that uses an AC Sine Wave across two points of an electronic component or circuit. The resulting waveform is displayed using voltage for the x axis and current as the y axis. The displayed signature is then comparable to determine the health of the tested component or board. Features found on MPA but NOT R2 include: osciolloscope, AC/DC current and voltage measurements up to 15 V and the Frequency meter. Features on LCR-Reader R2
  • Automatic and manual LCR, ESR, LED/Diode measurements
  • 0.1% Basic accuracy
  • Analog Signature Analysis
  • Automatic and manual test frequencies, including 100, 120 Hz, 1, 10, 100 and 250 kHz
  • Parasitic offset removal using easy Short/Open calibration
  • 1.5 Oz weight
  • Measures components to a 0201 size (0.6 mm)
  • Gold-plated tweezer tips
  • Displays active and reactive impedance components
  • NIST Traceable calibration certificate

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